When it comes to making a living, most people believe… A job is a job, and earning a paycheck will never be fun and fulfilling The only way to earn that paycheck is by waiting for someone else to see your potential and give you a job Once you do land a job, the best […]
Last week I sent a poll to my newsletter subscribers asking this community to choose which cover you liked best for my first Kindle book. (If you don’t get the newsletter and want to be part of these types of experiments, you can sign up here.) While I’d hoped this poll would help me choose […]
We hear again and again that we shouldn’t waste time online. In fact, I bet that’s one of your resolutions for 2014, isn’t it? To stay on task? While it’s important to stay focused 95 percent of the time so you can deliver your best work, here’s a secret most productivity hacks won’t let you […]
Eager to put your social media skills to use? Check out How to Create a Freakin’ Fabulous Social Media Strategy. Once you’ve got a social media strategy and content marketing plan in place, the next question on your radar should be this: How will we measure whether our efforts are actually working? In industry speak, […]
About a year ago, I began experimenting with webinars. They proved to be an effective way to share my expertise, build my email list and engage the readers of this blog. As I explain in this post, which details my return-on-investment from webinars, there’s something powerful about interacting with readers in real time, when they […]
Resolutions are meant to be broken. At least, that’s how we’ve come to think of them. So few of us actually stick to our New Year’s resolutions that making one barely means anything anymore. That’s why, over the last few years, I’ve stopped making resolutions — and started setting goals instead. Not high-in-the-sky-and-barely-achievable goals, but […]
Jon Morrow hit the nail on the head with this post: Why You Shouldn’t Publish New Content Over the Holidays. Why? Because no one will read it. All of the blogs my company manages see decreased traffic over the holiday period, which means yours probably will, too. Why publish new content when you know most […]
Entrepreneurs are often good at executing. At being consistent. At moving full speed ahead, turning ideas into reality, not even stopping to breathe until things are just the way they should be. Here’s what we’re NOT so good at: letting go. So that’s what I practiced during my three-week vacation this November (and it’s why […]
One of the ways my team measures our results for clients is by offering an end-of-month metrics report. What it details depends on exactly what we do for the client, but it could include Twitter growth and engagement stats, blog growth stats, newsletter open rates and more. Because we are treating The Write Life like […]
Know what’s even more crucial for your career success now that we’ve transitioned into the wonderful world of digital? Not skills. Not experience. And not networking, although that’s pretty darn important, too. What’s most important, especially in the online realm, is CONFIDENCE. In the digital world, you are who you say you are. (Click to […]