I did a lot of driving over the last two weeks — like, 20 hours worth of driving, getting myself to and from a writer’s colony in Georgia. One of the ways I passed the time was listening to interviews with entrepreneurs on Mixergy and Blogcast FM. These (free) shows are priceless — listening, even […]
When you're at a writer's colony, time moves differently. It moves more slowly, more smoothly. And it stretches out, so 10 days feels like a month. That's partly because of the solitude. If you're not used to spending time alone, in silence, with only crickets for company, 10 days can feel like a long time. […]
Since I’m taking time off from my Google Reader while at a writer’s residency, Writer’s Roundup is on hiatus this week. That feature will be back next Friday. Instead, I bring you a photo of a plant that’s blooming near my writer’s studio. (Forgive the quality; I took this on my phone!) I’ve heard it’s […]
If you've followed this blog from the beginning, you might remember a post in late 2008 when I asked for your help. I was visiting a family in Cameroon that had hosted me six years before as a college student. It was a polygamous family, with four wives and about 20 children. And this family […]
I’m back in beautiful Rabun Gap, Georgia, for a 10-day writer’s residency at The Hambidge Center. Here’s the studio in the woods where I’ll be writing for the next week: Oh, and I love this shot of the path I walk whenever I want dinner or Internet access: If you’ve read this blog for a […]
Happy Friday! I’m heading last-minute to a writer’s colony for 10 days… but more on that next week! For now, your weekend reads: We’re always hearing about the benefits of all things “local” — does the same idea apply to startups? Chris Cope encourages you to forget Silicone Valley, and build your startup where you […]
Now that I’ve been running my own business for a year, an awesome reader requested a lessons-learned post. So here are 11 lessons I picked up during my first year of work freedom: 1. Who you work with has a huge effect on your happiness. And one of the best parts of working for yourself […]
You know I believe in finding a job you enjoy. That if you’re working a job you don’t enjoy, one that stresses you out or leaves you feeling unfulfilled, you should figure out how to make a living doing something else. But what if you don’t know what that something else is? What if you […]
Happy Friday! Here are some links to check out this weekend: Mixergy has a great interview with Shane Snow, the co-founder of Contently, on writing + entrepreneurship. Use these 10 tricks and tips to become a Gchat power user, from Mashable. Sean Ogle asks are you ready to become a lifestyle entrepreneur? Which do you […]
A few nights ago I watched a new documentary, I’m Fine, Thanks, a film about complacency and expectations and living the American Dream — even if it’s not your dream. (I got an early download because I backed the project on Kickstarter, but the film will soon be available for purchase. In the meantime, you […]