When you run a digital business, there’s one thing you absolutely cannot work without: Internet access. It’s hella frustrating when you can’t get online, because that means you can’t get your work done. You know what I’m talking about, right? When your connection’s lackluster or nonexistent, you can’t respond to the emails in your inbox, […]
We often hear about the value of saying “no.” It’s a popular productivity hack; learning to say no is one of the best ways to make time for your priorities. But here’s something productivity mavens often fail to emphasize: for this to work, you have to say “no” to things you actually WANT to do. […]
We hear again and again that we shouldn’t waste time online. In fact, I bet that’s one of your resolutions for 2014, isn’t it? To stay on task? While it’s important to stay focused 95 percent of the time so you can deliver your best work, here’s a secret most productivity hacks won’t let you […]
Resolutions are meant to be broken. At least, that’s how we’ve come to think of them. So few of us actually stick to our New Year’s resolutions that making one barely means anything anymore. That’s why, over the last few years, I’ve stopped making resolutions — and started setting goals instead. Not high-in-the-sky-and-barely-achievable goals, but […]
All of the work my team and I have put in over the last five months to systemize the business and get better processes in place is paying off. I have fewer big tasks on my plate each day. I’m spending less time on work that feels urgent and more time executing projects that really […]
Find yourself too busy to read all the blogs and publications that interest you? Don’t have time to keep on top of the news in your industry? RSS is a great tool for keeping up with all the blogs you know you should read, without spending all day on your computer. While RSS sounds complicated, […]
Do you ever open your email in the morning with the intention of spending just an hour or two sifting through messages, and then look up to find you’ve spent your entire day responding to emails? Or maybe you reach the end of the day and wonder, what the heck did I get done today? […]
Quick course update: Become a Twitter Power User begins again May 13. Join us if you want to learn how to use this social network to make life-changing connections! And now for today’s tip… Too many of us suffer from email overload. Because the flooding of my inbox significantly affects my work flow — and […]
As I prepare to launch my new blog design — wheeeee! — I’m looking to make a few other tweaks that will help me better serve this community. Would you mind taking this quick, 10-question survey so I know what YOU care about? This is also a chance for you to throw in your two […]
Last week I went on an email and social media detox. That’s right: I didn’t read or respond to emails for a week, and I didn’t touch my social media channels. (With a few minor exceptions — I had to go into my email to retrieve my flight itinerary, for example — but they were […]