
How to Manage Social Media Campaigns for Clients

October 5, 2011

Since I launched my eguide on starting a social-media consulting biz, several people have asked how I help small businesses and organizations build online communities. When you run a social media campaign for a company, how do you go about doing it? It differs according to each client. It also differs according to your consulting […]

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For Social Media, More Isn’t Necessarily Better

July 28, 2011

This post is for everyone who has more than one blog or Twitter account — or is thinking about having more than one. After all, once you recognize the benefits of social media, it’s easy to get sucked into the more-is-better mindset. A Twitter account for your dog! Your business! Your book! A character in […]

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Build a Part-Time Social Media Business: An E-Guide

July 18, 2011

I launched my own business more than a year ago, helping businesses and organizations use social media. Since then, dozens of people have asked me how I do it. How do I get clients? How much do I charge? How do I juggle my side biz with my day job? Some of those questions stem […]

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The Truth About Google+

July 12, 2011

A few geeks say: Yay, a new online tool! Most everyone says: Oh no, another social network to keep track of…    

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How social media helps us make our own luck

March 7, 2011

Sometimes it gets tiresome trying to explain to people why they should use Twitter. Usually, when I find myself doing this kind of convincing, I’m talking to someone who’s such a huge doubter of social media that they won’t see the value until they actually start using it, anyhow. So I loved this post from […]

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Social media for writers: Twitter, Facebook & blogging

October 28, 2010

If you’ve found me through my guest post on Chuck Sambuchino’s blog, How Writers Can Use Twitter for Networking — Welcome! I know you’re here looking for more tips on how writers can get the most out of social media, so I’ve compiled a list of all of my posts that deal with that very […]

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When it’s okay to outsource social media

October 13, 2010

Anyone who knows anything about social media will tell you that companies should not pay someone to do social media for them. For the best results, they should learn to do it themselves. The same goes for individuals who are promoting themselves or their products, whether they want to sell books, build relationships with potential […]

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En lieu of a Writers' Roundup… Socialexis

July 23, 2010

I’ve felt slightly overwhelmed this week trying to juggle three major projects: book revisions, my new social media biz and a revamp of my website. Everything, including this blog, will soon be at Finally! To lighten my to-do list, I’m going to pass on the writers’ roundup this week, and instead ask you to […]

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What exactly does a social media consultant DO, anyhow?

June 23, 2010

Since announcing yesterday that my doors are open to social media business, several friends and potential clients have written to me asking, so what does that mean you actually do? Like most consulting positions, social media consulting can mean a lot of different things. Consultants provide a huge range of services and their prices fall […]

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I'm open for social media business!

June 22, 2010

My job hunt has taken an unexpected turn. A good one. Though I’ve applied mostly for journalism positions, plus a few other writing-heavy jobs, something different keeps falling into my lap: social media gigs. I resisted it at first. I see “social media consulting” and immediately think snake-oil salesman. I mean, who really needs someone […]

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