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When You Spend Money on Travel

February 24, 2012

The Writers' Roundup is on vacation until I reconnect with my Google Reader in late February. I need a break from RSS! If you really miss it, you can always browse old Writers' Roundups; they may be old, but they're still bursting with information. Whenever I spend money on travel, a few people raise their […]

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How Travel Bends Time

February 22, 2012

One of the best things about travel, says my friend Elise, who joined me in Costa Rica last week, is how it bends time — how time moves more slowly when you’re on the road, and you can fit more memories into a shorter period. It’s true. When I first drafted this post, I’d only […]

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The Thrill of Crossing a Border

February 17, 2012

The Writers' Roundup is on vacation until I reconnect with my Google Reader in late February. I need a break from RSS! If you really miss it, you can always browse old Writers' Roundups; they may be old, but they're still bursting with information. My lover travel gave me the best Valentine’s Day gift ever […]

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On Pushing Yourself Outside Your Comfort Zone

February 13, 2012

On my first morning in Nicaragua, I procrastinated, staying in my hostel far longer than I needed to. That was easy to do, since it was a treehouse hostel (in the jungle outside Granada), set apart from civilization. But I wasnt really listening for howler monkeys. I was nervous about striking out in a country […]

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Hiking a Volcano in Nicaragua (Photo)

February 10, 2012

The Writers’ Roundup is on vacation until I reconnect with my Google Reader in late February. I need a break from RSS! If you really miss it, you can always browse old Writers’ Roundups; they may be old, but they’re still bursting with information. Check out the volcano I’m hiking tomorrow with my Aussie travel […]

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A Look Inside a Backpacker’s Pack

February 6, 2012

Several of you have written me recently asking for more posts on what used to be my bread ‘n butter: travel. If that’s you, keep your eyes here over the next few weeks, because I’m on my way to Nicaragua and Costa Rica! This is my way of fitting in adventure into my life. Having […]

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It’s Not Always Easy to Travel Light

January 14, 2012

This week, in preparation for my trip to Nicaragua and Costa Rica, I pulled out my tiny ASUS eee PC, the laptop I carried while backpacking through Africa. (We didn’t have as many options for mini-laptops way back in 2008.) Except now that my entire business revolves around a computer, I’m not sure I can […]

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Next Up: Nicaragua & Costa Rica

January 11, 2012

I’m on a I-bought-a-ticket high! I’ve been scheming for a while on my next trip, wavering on destinations, and I finally took the plunge: I’m headed to Nicaragua and Costa Rica for three weeks in February. I prefer to travel over land as opposed to flying, so I bought a one-way ticket from D.C. to […]

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A Holiday Landscape

December 10, 2011

Arlington Cemetery’s long been a special place for me and my family, so laying wreaths there this weekend was bittersweet. So many stories in this one photo! So many stories.

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When Too Many Choices = Paralysis

December 1, 2011

During a recent talk at a study abroad conference, I reminded a group of college students just how lucky we are. Travel has a way of hammering that point home, of reminding us that we’re so fortunate to have food on the table, shoes on our feet and opportunity in front of us. Most people […]

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