Great week! One of the highlights was attending Study Hall DC, a co-working (more like co-chatting) space for D.C. entrepreneurs. Interaction like this is so important now that I work from home; I always feel energized after talking big-picture ideas with other go-getters. Links worth checking out from this week: Have you seen Steve Jobs’ […]
If you're a writer interested in making money online, don’t miss these insights from author and entrepreneur Sean Platt. Sean writes everything from children's books to horror novels to landing pages for websites. He co-founded CIMedia, an independent publisher with a focus on writing and social media, and is a contributing writer for Copyblogger. But […]
Happy Friday! Links from this week that stuck with me: Seth Godin asks, Are you working on YOUR agenda or someone else’s? Great reminder here about setting priorities. Great resource for freelancers spotted by MediaJobsDaily: The Open Notebook, a database of pitches that worked. The best self-help is realizing how lucky you are, says blogger […]
Welcome to Friday! Before we get started, check out my critique partner Peggy Frezon‘s new book, Dieting With My Dog, which released this week. What an accomplishment! This is Peggy’s first book, and I’ve watched her with admiration through every step of the publishing process, starting with when she landed her agent. I’m so proud […]
Happy Friday! Links from this week you might enjoy: New to freelancing? Avoid these mistakes, writer Thursday Bram says on Brazen Life. It’s as much about you as the book, says FundsforWriters’ Hope Clark. This is true now more than ever. Rose Egge, a 20-something who’s battling cancer, writes about how her work here is […]
Happy fall! I’m writing from my parents’ house in upstate New York, where I’m hanging out with Cooper (the dog I brought home from a writer’s colony) while they’re on vacation. So far, this has proven to be one of the best perks of becoming self-employed; I can work from wherever is convenient! Thought-provoking links […]
We can only teach ourselves so much. You can practice, practice, practice. You can read blog posts and watch YouTube tutorials. You can — and this is my favorite — closely watch others who successfully do what you want to do and see how they do it. But if you really want to take your […]
When I launched my first eguide on social media consulting, I didn’t have a plan. I knew enough to let my network know about the product and encourage them to tell their networks about it. I knew enough to pitch guest posts at blogs with good-sized audiences. And I knew enough to offer an affiliate […]
Between my soon-to-launch guide, potential new clients and other projects, I’m swamped — in a good way. But I still took a few minutes to give you a heads up on great links from this week: This Forbes piece argues for rethinking the risk of entrepreneurship. I’ve been following this woman’s quest to get pregnant […]
When I launched my first eguide on social-media consulting, I explained one of the reasons I called it a guide: Because one of my favorite bloggers, Chris Guillebeau, says “ebook” creates the expectation of a full-length book and low value (and, I say, a paperback price). He suggested calling any digital product a guide or […]