An author friend and I were recently discussing the merits of promoting one’s book via traditional media verses online. As a journalist, she has lots of connections in the industry and often does television and radio interviews about her area of expertise, which helps promote her book. But she’s also savvy online, using Twitter, blogging […]
I don’t often cross-post between here and my book blog, What Lexi Reads, but y’all are likely to be interested in this one. Remember Mira Bartok, who visited us here in 2009 for a Q&A about her blog, Mira’s List, and grants for writers? Her book is out: The Memory Palace. It’s about growing up […]
So many great links this week! Eat your heart out: Don’t look for a job as a writer, look for a job as a communicator, says Hope Clark. She’s right that this will broaden your opportunity. How long does it take to get published? Finally! Someone — that someone being literary agent Steve Laube — […]
I left work grumpy on Wednesday, annoyed about something I wouldn’t remember the next morning. I’d signed up for a techie event that night, so I rode the bus from Georgetown to 14th Street, trying to shake my mood. Rush-hour traffic clogged the roads, and I pulled a book from my bag to pass the […]
Sometimes it gets tiresome trying to explain to people why they should use Twitter. Usually, when I find myself doing this kind of convincing, I’m talking to someone who’s such a huge doubter of social media that they won’t see the value until they actually start using it, anyhow. So I loved this post from […]
For anyone into social media, Web journalism and the intersection of the two, SXSW is thee conference. Most people know it as a music or film festival, but I’m referring to the Interactive arm, which draws thousands of geeks from around the country each year. I bought my ticket months ago, when they first went […]
Happy Friday! Links you might want to read over the weekend: Keppie Careers hits the nail on the head with this one: Why you should use Twitter. Wish I’d explained it this way myself. Though I still think one Facebook page is best, this is an excellent post from Nathan Bransford about Facebook for authors. […]
I’ve been working full time now for five months. And though I’m loving my new lifestyle and job, I don’t want to forget all that I learned during my two years away from the mainstream work force. I say “mainstream” because I was working for much of those two years. After traveling for six months, […]
Joining Twitter two years ago was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself professionally. The network is awesome for a lot of reasons, including the valuable information that’s served right into my lap and the ideas it inspires. But the best benefit of Twitter is the connections you can make there. So […]
Hello friends! Thanks for checking in for this week’s roundup of links. Here’s what I’ve got for you this week: Are you too busy to blog? Chris Garrett suggests ways to blog more productively. Fascinating read from The New York Times: The threatening scent of fertile women. Blogging isn’t dead, it’s just evolving, says Mathew […]